Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Simple Things

In my travels, I have seen many historic sites that chronicle the rise and fall of great civilizations – sometimes we know what happened, other times we speculate. Do we go “too far” causing us to begin again, forcing us back to square one?

We enjoy our technological advances and especially revel in the modern ways in which we communicate with each other. Perhaps it is the old fashioned in me that looks back on the good ole’ days when we called each other!

I feel we have lost something very important – actually many things. I am not totally convinced that what we have replaced the old ways with is capable of nourishing our souls. Perhaps this is part of our problem. The customs of people naturally connected to themselves and our earth draw the interests of many of us. We gravitate toward some of their simpler and deeper ways of being and doing.

We may not want to replace any of our modern day conveniences or new ways of doing things. However, is there a genuine substitute for the ability and privilege of touching, and hearing one another?

Just reflecting,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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