Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Capturing Life

I do not claim to be a photographer, though I have a newfound pleasure in capturing nature, odd pieces and the simple and exotic experiences as they appear in my book of life. Sometimes pictures trigger my writing, other times a picture I took before stands ready to complement my thoughts.

Real, not photo-shopped pictures of life can reveal so much. Like nature, music, art and words, pictures can touch a nerve in us and unravel a myriad of thoughts and feelings that otherwise would be hidden from view.

Soooo, I’m walking down the path, set to enjoy a sunrise on Aquia Creek (before the start of my Girl Scout – Camp CEO morning) and on the way down I see this beautiful leaf hanging by a mere thread, suspended right in the middle of the path. I wonder what that industrious spider was thinking.  Striking – click, click, this I must share, it will not be here for long.

Think of all the terrain you have covered in your lifetime. How do you choose to express it all?  Look at something today; savor it, then try to save it.

In the flow,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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