Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The One Word Path to Change – Part 2

I gather you’ve been working on your Yes for the past few weeks?! Focusing on ONE thing takes a great deal of – focus! We’re scattered, pulled, and distracted from the outside and sometimes lack the stamina, intention and direction on the inside. This can stop us from making the progress that we know we could.

I know because I’m guilty too!

All too often I let my “buts” get in the way. “I’d like to do this but” or “I’m going to do that but” leading to an “I need to be more prepared”, or “I need to take another course”, or “I need to wait until I lose another __”. We just can’t seem to get that momentum to flow consistently, mostly because we’re all over the place … and when we’re all over the place we become overwhelmed. When we’re overwhelmed we end up doing nothing… and when we do nothing, it means we’re not walking the paths that lead us to our goals.

What does a girl do?!

Firstly, where are you going? In any area of your life, what’s your one ultimate destination and by all means know WHY you’ve chosen it. You may ask “Why one destination or goal and not two or three?” Put it this way, how many mountains can you climb at one time? I thought so! Choosing one path is a critically important decision to make. It keeps you focused.

Secondly, before you ask HOW you’re going to get there – say YES! Remember last time we were together … I encourage you to go back and have a look at how we defined YES! YES is my favorite one word path to change.

After yes, you can then tackle HOW.

Thirdly and just as importantly, we get to WHAT you’ll need to do. What actions you need to take. Last year when I walked 192 miles across England my “what to do” was simply described best by one word – WALK. Everyday, all day for 13 days – we walked! And yes, we had maps, a compass, determination and a destination for each of those days. And you need that too!

If you’d like to learn more about how to get from where you are to where you want to be, please join us for our fall retreat The Walk – A six-week path to change!

Say yes, jump on your path and keep moving!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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