Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Crocodile Pool

The Lekki Conservation Area just outside Lagos, Nigeria is like a green oasis — a soothing, cool respite from the bustling, impatient traffic that typifies
almost any big city. All was calm. Curious, long-tailed monkeys provided entertainment.

I saw some unusual trees that looked like exotic punctuation marks created specifically for nature – so much to feel, learn and observe.

The water in the crocodile pond was low; our guide said the crocs had temporarily moved to higher water areas until the rains returned to fill their pool. 

Perhaps this sign was intended for the ‘unconscious’– those who don’t know how serious the injuries can be when you climb into such murky waters.

Steering clear of the crocodiles sounded like a no-brainer to me.

Some things seem so obvious, yet there are warning signs in case we are oblivious to what lies ahead or below. Like when people say, “the writing was on
the wall”.

Then, to add insult to injury, we go “in” against all advice, come out alive, (maybe badly bruised), and still get walloped with the consequences of our
own actions.

Avoid the crocs … you know where they are!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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