Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Intricately Connected

We know that cells have their own intelligence, capable of operating in organisms in both cooperative and adverse ways.

I once read that each human being is like a cell within the body of earth and that we individually and collectively play roles similar to that of a cell in our own bodies.
Some cells feed and build … others appear like renegades with destructive intentions.

We are more connected to each other and our host, mother earth, than we act as though we realize. We typically do not think that what one cell ‘feels’ and does in one part of the body can profoundly affect another. Likewise, we do not understand that what we do in one corner of the world can actually reverberate and influence others all over our earth.

Like the huge tree root above – each part in one way or another touches the whole. Imagine if we believed that every thought, feeling and action had some important consequence to ourselves, or on someone or something else.

Think about the impact…

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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