Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

A Talking Circle

“All stages of life are marked by meetings under the conversation tree” – Joseph Ki-Zerbo. Every culture, every major piece of writing highlights and celebrates the vital importance of conversation – of our need to communicate with each other.

Great writings, artifacts, art and music fill museums. They are evidence that humankind has always needed and desired powerful forms of dialogue.

This past weekend, many of us extended our hands in friendship to celebrate the opening of Love Is A Mountain’s Global Women Story Circle ™. I created this ‘talking circle’ to encourage people around the world, especially women, to share a different kind of news – their own. This vehicle can open doors, cross boundaries and diminish barriers built by ignorance. We can transform the way we understand and embrace others by directly connecting to like-minded people in another part of our country or our world – having a pen pal – but with larger, more purpose-filled objectives and outcomes.

I invite you to create or join in a circle of conversation at www.globalwomenstorycircle.com.

Tell your story and share your wisdom!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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