Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Fear of Heights

“Yes, that’s me … and, I jumped!”. There are many things people are afraid of: public speaking, death, flying, water, spiders, rejection, failure and success too – to name a few.

You probably have heard the rallying cry “feel the fear and do it anyway”.  Great advice, yet it takes determination, some decision making and a plan to move beyond our fears.

I think it’s worth the effort to resolve whatever holds you back from fully enjoying and experiencing all that life has to offer. We have the opportunity and the privilege to choose which road we will take (except when we don’t!).

Trying is better than wondering whether you could have done it.  Sometimes, trying might even hurt. However, if you don’t succeed, does that necessarily mean that you failed?  I think it is more than semantics. How we perceive any challenge or fear will determine to what extent we step outside our comfort zones. Perhaps it is time to have a closer look and … make a choice.

Maybe buckle up and jump?!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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