Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Greater Than Great

In celebration of Summer Solstice 2012, almost 15,000 people ‘touched’ the mysterious, intriguing Stonehenge structures on England’s Salisbury plains.

A couple of days later, I had the privilege of seeing them myself, and was awed by their power and the very fact that they are there.  I chose not to use the audio guides that would detail both the history and speculation that surround them; instead, I tuned in to whatever I could ‘hear and feel’ without the aid of modern technology.

Naturally, I marveled at the unknowns; however, I was mainly taken by what is evident.

Ancient and modern day inhabitants of our earth interact, celebrate and connect to the Power ordering our Universe. Our reverence and curiosity for the Intelligent Source has continued throughout the ages.

We still don’t know all the reasons for the existence of this particular World Heritage Site; however, this thought came to me:  Although we may not be replicating historically significant structures quite like the ancients; I believe we are making even greater strides. More of us are discovering that mighty powers of creation lie within us — and that when we realize and implement these inner capabilities to their highest level; we will achieve far greater wonders than represented by the ‘Stonehenges’ of our world.

Be greater …

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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