Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Repair Mode

Everything needs maintenance at one time or another – especially if it has a heartbeat and walks on two legs!

Sometimes events rock our world and only then do we stop, get that long overdue checkup and treat ourselves to the tender loving care our physical and emotional systems require.

Build protective barriers around yourself. This can look like: training your friends not to call you past a certain hour at night; refraining from working and eating too late, especially the wrong foods; having wind down rituals that include gratitude for all the good that shows up; soft music that prepares you for a great night’s sleep; exercising without fail, eating what you know is best for you; planning your week in advance and carving out “me time” – the list is endless!

‘Unexpected events’ damaged the otherwise very sturdy Washington Monument – what do you face and what plans do you have for bringing yourself back into alignment when the earth shakes beneath you?

Let this change of season be a springboard for making the necessary adjustments in your life so that you end each day and this year on a high note.

Look after yourself!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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