Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Other Side of Tomorrow

Our winter season has strong metaphorical parallels to the transition time we call death.

Outer life often seems stripped away, leaving us cold, naked and feeling vulnerable. We hibernate – drawn toward the quiet and serenity of inner sanctuaries.

Most of our trees appear devoid of all vitality, though their trunks and branches reach out like untouched souls. With the promise of rebirth and new life just around the corner, they will return adorned and celebrated in a brand new set of clothes.

Many of us have friends and family who have already journeyed to “the other side of winter’s tomorrow”. Trusting deeply in The Great Cycle of Life, I believe the more we talk about life’s seasons and transitions; the easier it ‘may’ be to witness the leaves slowly drop away.

Sometimes, Nature uproots an entire tree in a sudden swirl of events … the seeds take flight and land softly, taking root in the unknown land of our tomorrow.

We water our memories, nurture our present moments – and spring will come back again! A line from my poem “Another Horizon” expresses it this way:

dancing forward
I step over the edge…
beyond sight
…and I joyfully
start all over

Grateful for these present moments,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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