Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi


Big changes! If we do not get that message anywhere else, “Gaia” continues to tell us so. Knock, knock, are you there? Are we listening?

Sometimes we become mute or lack understanding as to what Mother Earth is telling us. Being receptive and having an expanded consciousness are both a desire and a choice, not an accident. Yet, some wait for that “accident” to happen.

Adjusting our dials to the right frequencies allows us to hear and perceive better, like fine-tuning a radio.

Everything, each thing is talking to us – especially through nature. There are messages we label ‘good’, ones we consider ‘bad’ and communications our “radios” have yet to pick up.

There is so much clamor and fast-paced movement as we interact in our world… and then we are forced to slow down. Sometimes it’s our health, sometimes the weather. Gaia is creating many shifts – many of them stopping us in our tracks – so that we may hear the volumes of stored information, wisdom and instruction pouring forth from stillness.

I really like the phrase “it is what it is” and although what is can have major inconveniences for us, we can choose to use any downtime that comes our way to listen.

Stay tuned…

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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