Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Bench

This time last year, as I walked through one of my favorite urban green spaces – London’s beautifully filled Regent’s Park – I found myself reflecting on the benches there, and those sitting on them.

Benches make me think of the moments when we have to take a seat. These metaphorical benches play a powerful role in our lives. We go to them for various reasons. Sitting might mean we are tired out. Or, it might provide a place to think on what’s next. It could provide space for reflection and reconnection with self and ultimately others. They can be safe places of retreat, and aren’t necessarily just excuses to stagnate.

In spite of what you and I do, in our world — if we’re not meaningfully active and engaging with our tribe it can feel like we’re sitting doing nothing. While we may need to take that seat, sometimes we wait until we’ve got it all picture-perfect before we choose to get off our bench to walk, play and interact again. Benches can provide a dangerously convenient space to hide when we feel stuck or don’t have the courage to move on.

When do you get off the benches in your life? When do you, once again, exchange and interact with your world in deeper and more meaningful ways? Now might just be the time you’ve been waiting for …

I’m off my bench and after a year of not blogging, I’m ready to get rolling again. Benches are planks of wood; not made to sit on for any real length of time. They’re placed alongside paths for needed breaks, but are designed so that you get back up and continue along your way.

When your bench gets too hard, get off it!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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