Staying on the Path Series - Step 3, Life Is A Mountain
Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Staying on the Path Series – Step 3, Life Is A Mountain

Are you in love with life?! Sure, you can look out into the world and find poverty, sadness and pain. You can also look and see just the opposite – hope, love, inspiration and new possibilities.

Like the moral of a Native American parable, you will see more of whichever one (wolf) you feed the most.

A key to our happiness and joy is to envision and embrace that which we DO expect to be, have and experience. We must go way beyond casual words — when our deepest thoughts and feelings are in alignment with each other, they mirror powerful laws for transforming our lives.

Do what you can to bring joy. And, remember that empathy does not mean adding to sadness and despair.

Rather, you would do us all a huge favor by:

  • being as big and loving as you dare to be
  • giving and serving as much as you are able
  • filling the shoes that are on YOUR path, and
  • intentionally walking to your summit, or wherever your journeys lead

Appreciate, savor and be grateful for all that teaches and enhances your growth and understanding.

Do not hold your joy back because others do not have. When we live fully, love fully and serve fully, we change the vibration in our world.

Be in love with life!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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