Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Secrets Unraveled

I absolutely love the title of JJ Michael’s latest novel. I do not read fiction often; however, each one of her last three titles represents masterful storytelling about adventures into the seemingly conflicting crossroads of mind, body and spirit: “Life Is Never As It Seems” and “It’s Not Over Yet” – they are page turners!

There are many “secrets” unfolding in our world that do not receive much mainstream attention, at least, not yet. Most people are still distracted and mesmerized by the politics of life and the sensational headlines that relentlessly bombard us.

However, all over our earth, there are small and large circles of people connecting with each other around experiences and information that open our hearts and mind – that make us grow. There are historic sites, happenings and dates that have marked highly significant events in our planetary (and personal) evolution – you will not read about them in The Washington Post…therefore, many of them have so far occurred unnoticed.

The world’s consciousness, and our individual one, is moving toward new paradigms in all areas of life…

Explore …

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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