Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Read, Absorb and Read Some More

I’ve been fascinated by books all my life… largely of the non-fiction and self development variety. 

They are filled with endless information, stories, and advice on how to do this and how not to do that.

Books can offer us new ways of thinking and demonstrate why everything (yes – everything) matters.

They pose questions and are replete with answers – and – let’s not even get to fiction. The sky’s the limit!

Uh, no … as a matter of fact, it’s not.

I took this photo a few days ago in Utrecht, the Netherlands. And it triggered this blog and all the questions that go with it.

How do we contain it all? Where IS the best source of inspiration, wisdom, and creativity that we can find? Which books contain the ‘most’ about  ‘anything’?

And this line of thinking reminds me of that famous myth about Brahma, the Hindu God of Creation and “chief god” of sorts. Brahma  asked the other gods where he could hide man’s divinity (which he had abused) so that they would never find it again.

The council struggled to find a place where man wouldn’t find his divinity again. Brahma rejected all their answers and suddenly he had it: The humans will search the whole world, high and low, but they won’t look for something already within themselves.

We look for the answers to everything from a guru, book, or a course — we search, read, absorb, and then search some more – always seeking and searching elsewhere.

Then it really hit me when I read these words (hmmm, here I go!) on a napkin in Utrecht’s popular Bagels and Beans café: “The most powerful, efficient energy source in the world is your own mind. Explore & discover that it can make creative fuel from anything.”

Of course, this is an endless discussion – but cutting a long story short, here is my point –

Your mind is everything … the beginning, the middle, and the end. Most of what you’re looking for is right inside there. Hard to believe? Well of course it is … we’ve been taught for so long to look outside ourselves for the answers to absolutely everything we seek in life.

If I could convince you of only one thing today, it would be the following:

You already have the answers AND the energy you seek.

Trust in yourself.

Lean Within Your Inner Power and Wisdom.

Ok… that’s three things… But then again, I think that deep down you already knew them anyway!?!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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