Picture of Mozella Perry Ademiluyi

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi


As Nina Simone soulfully sang “everything must change, nothing stays the same, everyone will change no one, no one stays the same …”

Caterpillars naturally remind us of what’s next – an intricate, miraculously natural process of change and transformation.

“To become a butterfly, a caterpillar first digests itself. But certain groups of cells survive, turning the soup into eyes, wings, antennae and other adult structures.” Ferris Jabr, How Does A Caterpillar Turn into a Butterfly?

It’s complicated. And, so are we.

During our lives, we seem to move through phases where we are either fighting for change or against change. We want this, we are adamantly against that. We pray for abundance but contemplate lack. It can feel like an internal and external whirlwind or a mighty hurricane.

I had my first virtual retreat a couple of weekends ago. First and foremost, I had to translate our highly energetic and in-depth personal experiences and concepts into a Zoom version! In that regard, the goal was to ensure that each participant would feel like she was in a single room with everyone else and not confined by the limits of her device.

We were wildly successful – but, the need for such a shift had been forced upon us.

Of course, change is a choice as well. Choice. What a challenging word it can be. It calls upon us to stretch, grow, and imagine in very different ways.

If we spent more time embracing change and moving with it or, if we spent more time discovering the phases required to get from one state of being to another … we would discover that we can allow the pieces that won’t work, fall by the wayside, naturally.

Different phases require us to stay focused on the ultimate outcomes we seek.

Everything must change …

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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