Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Lessons from Beyond Our It’s Possible Retreat

Planning is always worth it – at least, that’s my perspective. I can’t imagine a vacation, a trek to anywhere or a project – big or small – without setting some sort of expectations, goals, and timelines.

Our It’s Possible Retreat in St. Lucia’s exquisite Windjammer Landing Beach Resort was a huge success in that we had the perfect, diverse group of women who were eager to discover, learn and take more action in their daily lives to make the difference they each sought. It’s not just about who shows up, but how they show up too. It was a win/win both ways. And the mixture of purpose and play provided an ideal recipe for transformational change.

No matter how wonderful a retreat or workshop, no matter how much you are inspired by a speaker, or each other; the proof and ultimate success of it all is what you take home with you, actualize, and what you share. I am particularly inspired by our recent retreat sisters’ commitment to stay the course no matter what dips and unexpected turns show up in the reality of our individual lives.

Well, sometimes it rains on your parade. And sometimes that rain is a tropical storm. It’s life’s unexpected turns that give us the opportunities to immediately put into practice that which we all embrace as having true value in and for our lives.

The ultimate proof is also in how your new community steps up and stands together. You know you’re successful when your community is immediately there to back each other up, cheer each other on and help forge the path ahead. This is the truest wealth, and we feel privileged. 

To witness the ways in which we took the opportunity to remind each other of the invaluable lessons we embraced together, is to truly understand how much farther we do go together.

Let our lessons be your lessons too: Believe in possibilities!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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