Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Discover The Power of Your Story™!

We’re hearing a lot more about ‘story’ these days… and in places that we sometimes least expect. Are we recognizing more and more the value of bringing to light our deeper desires, goals and beliefs and the power that they hold to mold and shape outcomes, whether we label those outcomes good or bad?

Nigerian poet and author Ben Okri says that stories are mighty and “…work with all the internal materials of the mind and self.” He states that “beneath the waters of consciousness” stories are altering our world.

In a recent Love Is A Mountain winter retreat, some wonderful women gathered to ponder, express, share and acknowledge the central roles our stories have held in our lives. Each of us have stories that range from celebratory to deeply sad and painful – recognizing that although we cannot change what was, we can nevertheless claim the control we do have over our own thoughts to move us toward new, intentional chapters.

Seeing it in your mind first moves you more than half way there. Imagine waking up ‘actively’ realizing that each day is a new day both literally and metaphorically – that dreaming and envisioning are powerful tools you can use to help create change.

Dream and tell good stories,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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