I have what might be considered an odd, tedious practice. Okay, I have many practices that might be labeled odd!
What I am about to share though, has helped me for decades; you might like it too, or some version of it . Soooo, here goes:
I have been an avid reader all my life. As I read, I underline key passages that ‘speak’ to me – especially those that are instructional or inspirational, the ones I’d like to re-visit. Then, when I’m done reading the book, I go back and record, by hand, the most poignant of the phrases I have highlighted.
Over the past thirty years, these notes have filled many pages of journals and index cards. These notes remind me that everything I learn and experience; everything I do and have connects to who I am.
During periodic dips in my energy (we all have them!) or just when I have some great downtime; I pull out a journal full of wisdom from the many different books I’ve gone through and absorb bits and pieces of them all over again.
It’s a huge rejuvenating boost.
Read on … write on!