For Professional Women Ready for an Extraordinary 2025: Hit the pause button, take a step away from your incredibly busy life and map out your best year EVER...

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Join me in January for an exclusive, small group mastermind-retreat + continuity coaching package designed to help you figure out EXACTLY what you want out of 2025… and make your step-by-step, workable plan to GET IT.

Picture this…

It’s January already… the holidays are over, the new year has begun, and you’re *finally* getting back into the groove at work.

After catching up on EVERYTHING that got sidelined over the break, including your mojo.

So far, so good.

But deep down inside, you’re bracing yourself, wondering:

What if THIS year is just as exhausting and stressful as LAST year (and the one before that)?

Can I really face another year of constant firefighting and feeling pulled in a million different directions at once?

Is a happy and sustainable work/life balance even possible… 

… or will I just have to keep “sucking it up” and power through, as per usual?

Will there ever be a time when I can put ME and my needs first (instead of at the very bottom of my to-do list)?

If any of this sounds familiar, then here are three important things you should know:

First, you’re not alone. In the words of Michelle Obama, “The work-life balance is a harsh reality for so many women, who are forced every day to make impossible choices.”

In today’s demanding times, women leaders the world over are finding it increasingly challenging to steer a fulfilling and balanced path between their personal and professional goals.

Second, you don’t have to DO it on your own. As my favorite African proverb reminds us: If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go FAR… go together.

Thirdly: Yes, there really IS a way for you to have the career and lifestyle you want (without throwing your own happiness and wellbeing under a bus).

And, perhaps counterintuitively, it requires you to step back, take a breath and relax — rather than wading into battle with more determination.

What you might not have realized is just how much making yourself last in line on your priority list is messing up your life.

Creating longer lists and working harder is NOT the answer. You know that because you’ve tried.

Let Me Introduce You To

The “Architect & the Tree” Retreat Mastermind & Continuity Coaching program
a life + career enhancing retreat and support package—jam packed with fun, inspiration, practical tools to help you reach your goals… and the whole-hearted support of an experienced mountain guide who’s got your back. 😉

Here at Mountain Peak Strategies, we believe that achieving ambitious goals is not a sprint, it’s a marathon climb

If you want to achieve your personal and professional goals with minimum fuss and maximum results, then it’s essential that you:

That’s why it’s so critical to unpack your thinking, lay all your ideas on the table in a safe space, and intentionally choose what to move forward with – and what to leave behind.

Plus, get valuable advice, feedback and encouragement from people who understand your situation and want you to succeed .

We’d love to help you do that!

The doors to the “Architect & the Tree” Retreat Mastermind & Continuity Coaching program are open!

This empowering and inspiring 2-day event runs in January 2025…
join us and get the year off to an outstanding start.

*Already a member of the Mountain Peak Strategies community? Log in to our MPS community now.

Mozella is a Trailblazer! I am inspired by her teaching and continue to be uplifted by her unrelenting desire to live her BEST life and guide others to do the same. Please continue to set the standard for women around the GLOBE!

P. Bundy – Washington, D.C.

I love LIAM Retreats! Why? Because of the wonderful like-spirited women who happen to attend, the great usefulness of the comments, insights, sharing and love that I receive from the facilitator, Mozella, and all of the attendees, and most importantly the beautiful, easeful, impactful and dynamic planning & “choreography” of the day’s events that Mozella plans out so we all experience ease, joy and the deep wisdom of our own hearts. She is awesome!

Saku P – Takoma Park, MD


I am honored to have learnt from Mozella and the brave great circle of powerful women. In this retreat, I was taught … I am motivated, inspired and empowered.

Dawn Hastings –
Nairobi, Kenya

How event weaves together...

Mozella and Retreat Participant

The Architect & The Tree focuses on looking out at your big picture year ahead, but with an approach that helps you chunk it into smaller, more attainable segments.

Create and plan for your future while enjoying the support, encouragement and collective wisdom of a small, hand-picked group of the most amazing like-minded, like-hearted women you could hope to meet.
You’re super busy (that’s part of the problem, right?).

That’s why The Architect & The Tree Mastermind Retreat was planned to make the most of your limited and valuable time—running over a weekend at an easy-access location to give you the greatest ROI on your time and effort, for the smallest amount of impact on your schedule.

This program was specifically designed to support and empower you to rewrite and reprioritize YOUR list to get what you want, make the difference you came here to make and love the life you live in 2025.

Limited to just 10 participants, this exclusive, small group mastermind and continuity coaching package was created for professional women like you… ambitious, hard-working and successful women fed up with making “impossible choices”.

…and ready to live their best life (one that does NOT involve you being last on your mile long to-do list).
Over the course of a weekend, plus follow-up coaching sessions, you will map out your goals and dreams for the coming year–and make 2025 your best year EVER (so far)… finally getting your work/life balance under control once and for all.

Let the warm and uplifting energy of The Architect & the Tree Mastermind Retreat & Continuity Coaching Package nurture, nourish and expand your view of what is possible…

…in your life, in your career, and in the impact YOU make on the world.

You’ll walk away with your custom plan, refreshed and ready to start taking immediate action towards summiting YOUR peaks.

But, it doesn’t end there.

Okay, so there’s a thing we don’t often talk about in the self development space…

…which is the number of offers that promise the earth but totally fail to follow through.

You KNOW what I’m saying.

But that’s not happening on my watch. Period.

So here were my personal benchmarks when I was designing this mastermind retreat:

A) MUST be fun, empowering and wildly supportive

B) MUST give you practical, actionable tools to take home

C) MUST NOT leave you unsupported, or at a loss for how to implement in real life

Which is EXACTLY why I created this retreat as part of an all-round package designed to give you:

So… wrapped around this astonishing 2-day event, you’ll ALSO receive

So as you can see, this is NOT a typical mastermind…NOT a typical retreat… NOT a typical program… but actually the perfect balance of community, environment and support to help you achieve your perfect balance of work + life.

We all know it’s SO important to carve out dedicated time to plan your route to achieve your big, bold plans

The thing is, at this time of year it can feel almost impossible to get away.

But “getting away” doesn’t have to mean a week-long hole in your calendar that just ends up putting more pressure on your already limited resources.

The Architect & The Tree Mastermind Retreat was planned with this in mind, running over a weekend at an easy-access location to give you the greatest ROI on your time and effort, for the smallest amount of impact on your schedule.

⇒ Pause.

⇒ Prepare.

⇒ Intentionally choose the things that PROPEL you up your mountain.

Join us to build your winning game-plan that overcomes any obstacles in your path and sets you up to achieve (and even exceed) your goals.

Yes, it IS possible…you REALLY can get what you want, make a difference AND love the life you live.

And we’d love to help you do that.

That’s exactly why we created this re-energizing mastermind retreat.

Gift yourself with this precious time away from the madness and breathe life into your goals and all the limitless possibilities that 2025 holds for you. You’ve earned it!

It’s happening January 2025 in Potomac, MD.

You’ll walk away with a backpack full of fresh perspectives and ideas, renewed and ready to start taking immediate action towards summiting YOUR peaks.

What People Are Saying About Mozella...

Winter is nature’s season of rest, reflection and re-imagining of the future… that’s why the beginning of the year is the PERFECT time to retreat, recharge and refine YOUR mountain-conquering plans

Join us for this marvelous weekend adventure, far away from the constant distractions and responsibilities of your day-to-day life and career (but within easy driving distance so you don’t have to throw your entire stack of spinning plates out of whack).

Along with 9 other intrepid mountain-climbing movers and shakers, you’ll enjoy the time and space to lay out a vision of what you wish to invite into your life and career in the year to come.

Are you ready to ROCK your 2025 with a plan that really delivers?

Over the course of a weekend, plus follow-up coaching sessions, you will create a workable plan to achieve your goals… with the concrete actions you need to take, in real time, to reach your mountaintops.

This exclusive, small group mastermind and continuity coaching package is designed to give you the time and space you need to develop your comprehensive roadmap to fully support your goals.

You’ll leave:


This retreat is a little different from the others I hold throughout the year…

Firstly, I wanted to ensure the venue is super quick and easy to get to, so that every moment of your precious time counts.

Secondly, I wanted to make sure the environment is beautiful, calming and encouraging of the kind of expansive thinking needed to say “Yes!” to your wildest dreams.

And thirdly, as a result of those two considerations, I’m excited to invite you into my home* where we will cosy up together next to the fireplace and set those dreams into dynamic motion for 2025.

*Speaking of wild dreams, this home started off as one… Back in the day, I used to gaze longingly at this freeway exit on my loooong commute home to Annapolis. I vowed that one day it would be me taking that right hand turn (instead of schlepping up the freeway with the rest of the traffic).

So hold onto your dreams, no matter how wild they may seem. 😉


What to expect from the “The Architect & The Tree Mastermind Retreat + Coaching Adventure”

FYI: We will be having a lots of fun… BUT also know that every single experience has been intentionally choreographed to inspire you, uplift your mojo, boost your energy, provoke game-changing ahas and insights, spark creative new approaches to tackling thorny old issues… and equip you to return home ready to take on a whole mountain range.

The Architect & The Tree will help you identify your purpose with crisp clarity, map out your goals, and learn how to manage both your time and energy.

You’ll walk away confident in your choices (and WHY you’ve chosen them), what you intend to achieve, and how you plan to get there.

It’s time to strap on your boots, shake loose the habits that don’t serve you and harness the lessons you learned from last year to get what you want in 2025 and beyond.

Here’s an example of how our weekend could unfold:

Depending on our pre-retreat prep sessions, and our mood, energy, and what’s fascinated our attention throughout the day, we may adjust our itinerary to suit…


On Friday evening at 6 o’clock we gather on Zoom, get to know each other a bit, and step into possibility. This meeting is virtual – because you’re busy!


After a quiet night and breakfast in the accommodation of your choosing we will come back together for an enlightening and inspiring group session on Saturday morning, interspersed with intimate breakout sessions and time to reflect.

We’ll be sharing our stories and goals. We then take a big picture look at where we want to be; and explore mapping out the broad strokes of how we reach our end goals from where we currently are.

After a tasty lunch we dive into our afternoon sessions until 6pm, with light refreshments along the way.

On Saturday evening at 8pm, we gather again for sharing, a delicious dinner and some fun, uplifting surprises.


On Sunday morning, we gather for the last time for meaningful processing of our weekend’s experiences, followed by a relaxed brunch at 11:30am before we say farewell.

Join us in January, while you take time to envision and plan YOUR roadmap.

You’ll leave:







Mozella is an international speaker, author, poet, attorney, transformational coach and adventurer.

For almost five decades, she has studied and practiced the time-honored wisdom of human development and transformation.

Summiting Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet, after her second attempt, gave her an extreme real-world experience of ‘failure and success’ and taught her how to help her clients step up to empowered action, overcome the obstacles before them, and reach their desired opportunities. 

Mozella earned her undergraduate and law degrees from Howard University. She is a member of the Bars of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and is admitted to practice before the United States Court of International Trade.

She brings her deeply wired global perspective and cultural appreciation everywhere she goes and to everyone she meets.

You’ll return from “The Architect & the Tree” with a backpack full of renewed energy, the fresh perspectives you need to stay on course to your goals (no matter what happens), and an updated map to help you summit your mountains with confidence and purpose.


We can’t promise there will be NO MORE challenges… but we can promise you’ll be better equipped to deal with them when they inevitably happen.
What's my next step?​

Is The Architect & The Tree retreat calling your name? I’m so excited you’re thinking of joining us!

As you know, spots for this inspiring mastermind program are limited to only 10 participants. And when I say that it’s for “a hand-selected group of women,” I really do mean it. That’s why I like to have a short, private conversation with everybody who’s thinking of coming—to make sure that this mastermind retreat package is right for them, and they are right for it. All the details are on the registration page.


*If you’re already part of the Mountain Peak Strategies community, please log in HERE to lock in your special member bonus.

I’ve done “masterminds” before… what’s different about this one?

FYI: If you’re thinking, okay but I’ve done “masterminds” before but they haven’t really moved the needle for me… here’s why this is DIFFERENT.

The Architect & The Tree Package is an upgraded and expanded take on the garden-variety mastermind concept with the addition of:

  • A 2-day break away from the treadmill to clear your mind and get fresh perspective
    Dedicated 1:1 personal coaching
  • Follow-up continuity and support
  • Plus an exciting and engaged community of like-minded professional women

Imagine how much more powerful masterminds can be when you have baked-in coaching, community, accountability AND ongoing support.

I’ve never done a mastermind… what is it?

If you’ve never participated in a mastermind before, you’re in for a treat! You’ll love the incredible synergy that results from many minds bringing their wisdom, experience and highest intentions to solving one issue. By the end of this program you’ll wonder how you ever managed without one.

Join us for precious time away from the never ending busy-ness of your day-to-day life and career.

Immerse yourself in the effervescent creative energy of the New Year — to turbo charge your goals, dreams and vision of the year ahead that your heart is calling for. Just a quick hop, skip and jump from downtown DC, this much needed reset break will reset your balance and reignite your vision.

Here, you’ll not only have the time and space to gather your thoughts and refine your plans for the year ahead, but also to bask in the collective wisdom, loving guidance and support of a small, hand-selected group of the most amazing women you could hope to meet.

You’ve earned it!

Retreat Interest

Please submit the interest form below to receive announcements for the upcoming retreat.

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