Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

A Lesson from Goats That Climb Trees

I believe that the Natural World is the Master Teacher of critical life lessons and She certainly has been my most influential Teacher.

Last week, I had the awesome pleasure and surprise to witness Morocco’s famous “goats in trees”. I was attending a mastermind retreat for retreat leaders in Marrakech and witnessing this phenomenon was certainly one of our most unique experiences. When most people see the photos and videos their most immediate questions of disbelief are “Goats in trees? Why and how do they do it?”

The fact is they do indeed climb the very thorny branches of the Argan trees in the Essaouira desert region to eat its leaves and fruit. But get this, they benefit from the outer layer of fruit that surrounds the nut and then poop it out because it’s indigestible. Humans come along, scoop up the poop and process the nut by hand to produce the most expensive cosmetic and edible oil in the world.


So what did I learn from these four-legged teachers?

Morocco’s famous goats teach us to battle through thorns and the sheer energetic output of the climb to get to what we want — to reach for what benefits and empowers us no matter how hard it may appear. If it is worth doing, it’s worth doing well and wholeheartedly. We give up so easily on our dreams, desires and goals. Do you want it? Do you REALLY want it? If so, then find out what it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be. My work and my new book (almost there!) are dedicated to this very principle.

Hmmm, I wonder what is in the Argan fruit anyway? The goats know for sure.

Keep climbing,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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