Be A Master
Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Be A Master

Question. In spite of the waters raging around you, how committed are you to taking responsibility for the ripples emanating from your pond?

The image of a single pebble being dropped into a still lake is as symbolic as it is real. From that seemingly small kerplunk, ripples and ripples of effects are spread across a surface.

If each of your thoughts or feelings is that pebble, and that body of water represents your experiences … would it be important to focus on the pebbles?

Mastery. Imagine if you accepted the mission to master your powers of thinking and feeling. Those you engage in at home, at work and in traffic. Those you express out loud, and most importantly, the ones in the quiet corners of your mind and heart.

Imagine yourself a fearless master on a mission to change and transform your world. One focused. Selective. And, intentional thought and feeling at a time.

Mission Impossible?

No question it’s one of ‘those’ kind of assignments. Being a Master is a demanding, exuberant ride requiring intention, desire and discipline.

This could be an ideal moment to practice and claim mastery over your thoughts and beliefs. You create what you experience, in spite of the fact that you can’t control what’s out there.

And, if you happen to think any of this sounds like pie in the sky … ask Olympic winners, successful businesspeople, or a woman who has overcome great adversity and achieved her heart’s desire.

What’s next?

Be the architect of your pebbles. Become more keenly aware of their vibrational, ripple effects. You may have read it and heard it before. But now, now IS the time to follow through.

Change has created a more critical need for transformation.

Be a Master,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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