Keep Calm and Carry On!
Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Keep Calm and Carry On!

I so love this popular British mantra and the many keep calm variations that have stemmed from it.

It got me thinking. There’s so much news in our world that causes us to spend a lot of our time worrying. We become afraid to make a move. That’s not to say there isn’t anything to be really concerned about … but, freezing and reacting to the news of the hour becomes a habit that quickly becomes our way of living our lives. And then, we have our personal concerns and turmoil on top of it all.

Where does it stop? Do we throw up our hands and give in to it all? Positive affirmations don’t take it away, and trying to avoid seeing wrong and suffering, doesn’t take it away either.

How do you maintain or find the courage to keep calm and carry on? How aware are you of your own thinking? Where do your thoughts live? Is the space they inhabit mainly positive, or negative?

Scientists tell us we have thousands of thoughts every day that we are not consciously aware of and that the far majority of those thoughts were the same ones we had the day before. Imagine, without any intervention, tomorrow’s thoughts will be the same … and on, and on it goes. Is there any wonder that nothing changes?

What do we do?

It’s said that self-awareness is everything. What needs to change in your thoughts? I certainly know what needs to change in mine!

Find and implement the tools that help you feel the fear and keep moving anyway!

Your renewed thinking will help you transform your own life and how you navigate in our world.

In spite of it all, be brave, keep calm and carry on!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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