Put Down The Map and Get Wonderfully Lost!
Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Put Down The Map and Get Wonderfully Lost!

For those who attended the inspiring women’s personal and leadership development retreat, The Architect & The Tree, January 10-12, 2020, the above well-known travel quote could sound a bit off the mark.

But it isn’t.

You see, Jackie, one of our very insightful retreat sisters, chose this statement to place on the front of the work she had accomplished over the weekend. An important part of our purpose together included spending time not only identifying what we want to achieve this year, but how, through a creative mapping out process, we would go about doing so.

But, to the point of this quote, it’s important to also carve out the times when we’re not trying to make things happen. In addition to any planned mapping process is acknowledging the need for one of the six basic human needs of not knowing what the next step will be. The Strategic Intervention model calls this need ‘uncertainty’. It opens us to experience variety and challenges that will exercise our emotional and physical range.

So, simply allow what is going to unfold, to unfold.

There are times in our lives when a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e is what we crave. We’re open, and even welcome life’s uncertainties. Yes, most of the times, we want to know what comes next – our lives and possibilities of success depend upon structure – but, don’t you need a break in your personal life to sometimes just be with the what is and the unknown?

As you begin down the long and wondrous road called 2020, be brave enough to be enough and BE yourself.

And, don’t forget to put down the map!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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