Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

A Picnic in the Sky

Really! I had a picnic in the sky just yesterday – altitude 39,000 feet, vehicle – Lufthansa Airlines. The picnic basket … a beautiful, dark brown, rattan mat. The cutlery … neatly wrapped in a typical picnic print napkin … delicious sandwiches, salad, cake and tea, wine … I was delighted, what a lovely concept.

Picnics – don’t you love them? They played a wonderful part of my adventurous childhood memories growing up in Uganda. To avoid the ants that followed the food in the basket, we often chose to simply close our bedroom doors, lay our picnic blanket down on the floor in the hallway and enjoy all the scrumptious offerings my mother had prepared.

A picnic in the sky was easy for me to embrace.

So, if you struggle with creativity and long for change, consider that there’s always a different way to do things. Spring has blossomed and summer is just ahead of us. Imagine all the ways you can step into a new way of being and experiencing. All too often, we allow old worn out concepts to keep us tied to the ordinary and the expected.

A picnic in your sky?

Go for it!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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