The Long-distance Footpath
Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Long-distance Footpath

Most big goals take a lot more out of us than we bargain for. We want to believe we can make company targets in record time, or lose weight by the end of say, January 2020!

But what does it really take to reach your target? Have you noticed how much easier it is to say what you want to achieve than understand and navigate what it takes to actually get there?

You are nodding your head in full understanding, right? You know what it’s like to enthusiastically set out, ready to tackle the world and then you discover – just – how – hard – it – can – be.

It’s how I felt in the middle of our 13-day, 192-mile Coast to Coast walk across England. Just like that walk, life can be surprisingly unsignposted. We think the markers will be clear and we think the sequence of events will go according to plan. Too often they don’t, and you find yourself in uncharted, murky waters.

No matter where you’re going, no matter the terrain, do your best to ensure that you are strapped up with as many resources and as much help as you will need before you set out. Do your homework. And, remember the parable of the tortoise and the hare.

Nike’s Just do it is a great rallying cry. But, when the footpath ahead is long, first, be sure you are prepared … Then, do it.

Stay tuned, there’s more!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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