Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

A Part of the Whole

What does it really mean to be a ‘part’ of God — to be made in God’s likeness? Our Universe is vast beyond our comprehension … exactly where do we fit in this expansive space?

Most of us feel these are mind-boggling questions — The good news is that we are beginning to understand more and more.

Organs and cells are each a part of the body in which they reside. No matter how critical they are; they are still not the whole. Each part of anything bigger than itself is unique and plays a specific role that only it can perform (not including transplants of any kind in this sharing). I believe this provides an analogy for why and how each person ‘is’ on the planet: of the whole, but not the whole. Does this make us peons within the scheme of everything out there?

Some parts arguably ‘do’ more than others — which organ would you try to dump?! Even the organs we think are dispensable probably aren’t — we just don’t fully understand their role. Consider this, as far as Mother Earth is concerned, are we more like organs in her system or cells? Hmmmm …

We are ‘born’ and then we ‘die’, to be born again into another space and life energy. The true essence of the Big Whole remains in tact – infinite, indestructible, eternal. And, last question … how many “Wholes” are there?

Think energetically and expansively on these things,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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