Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

A Student of Nature…of Love…of Life…

Just like you, I have asked a ton of questions over the years; they don’t stop and that’s a good thing. Have you noticed that the questions you ask within yourself are popping up everywhere – like the proverbial car you just bought?
I am a student of many things. It’s not just for fun (though I do love to learn); it’s for growth and optimal wellbeing too. No matter how much I may think I know, there is a huge gaping hole of ‘no knowing’ and the impossible to know, there always will be. One way or the other, we have all been both student and teacher. Amongst my many wonderful teachers, those from our exquisitely colorful, natural world inspire me endlessly.
I am grateful.
As you look back over this past year, what are you grateful for? If you don’t take the time to ask, you might not recall the vast depth and beauty of the answers that do exist. What did you learn? And, how far have you journeyed?
As you peer into your bright crystal ball, where are you headed and why?
I began this year with a big and challenging exploration. I stepped deeply into myself onto one of life’s Mountains, asking whether I am enough to master some major chapters in my unfolding life story. The answer came back:
I took that to mean that although we may fulfill some of our goals – there is always more to understand and improve, more to become and fulfill in life. And, that each of us can celebrate where we are this very moment, yet dwell in the possibility of all that is to come.
Be well, be love and embrace ‘your possible’ … Happy Holidays!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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