Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Thank You!

Thank you for being an invaluable member of the Love Is A Mountain community! You play an essential role in the success of our retreats and events by being a critical factor in making what we do have the intended impact!

Many of you share that LIAM serves many roles: a listening community, a sounding board, a source of wisdom, part of the ‘village’ that you trust and with whom you communicate your deepest desires and challenges too.

We support you, we envision what you hold for yourself – and we’re able to do so because you have shared who you are and who you are becoming. Truly, we have learned from each other because each one of us brings our strengths to the circle and are empowered by what someone within that same circle brings with them.

Whatever relationship you have with LIAM, I thank you for bringing your gifts and wish you the very best you can imagine, ignite and bring forth in the year to come. I so look forward to serving you in 2015 and beyond. Happy New Year!

Believe in possibility!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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