Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Motivational StoryTeller

Last week I shared how we let titles and other ‘descriptive’ words define us — and how they do not reveal who we are as a human ‘being’.

Look at this title, one you have seen me place beneath my name every week. In fact, we are all motivational storytellers. We may not be authors, speakers, or use any specific string of accolades behind our names; yet, we share stories just about on a daily basis – our stories and those of others. We have heard them since we were young – they consoled, encouraged and scolded us too.

Our words and stories are powerful and can have untold impact on both the teller and the listener. Books have influenced our thinking for eons – and though we may not write them, our words and stories also have the potential to imbed positive or negative energy in the minds and hearts of others. One of the most memorable impressions you can leave with another is your own story.

Remember the power of the spoken word and choose well,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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