Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

What’s ‘age’ got to do with it?

I love good, let your hair down, real fun. So, a couple of weekends ago, I was delighted to have an opportunity to speak before some “loverly” ladies of a local Red Hat Society – there was a queen and a duchess, two princesses and a baroness and fairy tales made up by yours truly, of course.

My, my, the purple, the red, the hats, the fun…and, don’t we all deserve it?! Life can be soooo challenging and serious that we forget to stop and smell the roses.

Many people choose to use their age to proclaim why they cannot do something. “I’m too old to ____,” fill in your own blank, if this applies to you. The rings embedded in its trunk determines a tree’s age. You cannot tell that until the end.

Why should we use our age as a reason we cannot do anything…your health, we can make some allowances for, but not your age. It is unfortunate to hear people create limitations based upon a chronological number…

…banish the thought — get out there and play!

Dancing, anyone?

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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