Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Sitting at the Stop Sign, Waitin’ for the Light to Turn Green!

Yes, I did do that … and, I bet you have too!

What does it mean? Do we have so much going on that we can’t focus on everything vying for our attention? Have we lost the ability to concentrate on only one thing at a time?

We have all heard the clarion call to live in the moment, yes, this moment…This One! Yet, we often find ourselves overloaded and completely scattered. We’re driving, and our minds are miles away from where our car is. In the midst of having fun, we’re also concerned about waking up in time for tomorrow’s early morning meeting.

I laugh when I realize there are no lights at the stop sign, no cars and I’m free to go. I pay more attention to my driving and focus on the one place I am headed.

So, slow way down.

Do the breathing ‘they’ suggest – it works. Close your eyes and think of something you’re grateful for … utter a soft sigh and whisper a silent “thank you”. Start and end your day with a reflective or meditative practice that works for you.

Whatever it takes, slow down!

Sit and breathe,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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