Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

The Grandest of Canyons

The awesome size of the Grand Canyon and our universe can make us feel small in the scheme of things. Who are we anyway and what impact do we really have in such a monumental world? Everyone says each of us is unique, special … and so?

These are huge life questions for most of us, and here are some more: why do you matter, why do we collectively matter and why are we here?

It’s a scary thought isn’t it?  Much easier to plunk down on the couch and watch TV, then get up in the morning and go back to work.

I sometimes think about how living, intelligent cells must feel rolling around in our bodies – surely we look like the Grand Canyon to them? Or, the tiniest ant out in the garden – what’s he thinking? Maybe he’s just off to work too?!

Answers or not, we must live each day to our absolute fullest using everything we are given … and we are given everything we believe we can hold or hike!

So when the sun comes up, greet it with a smile on your face and big intentions planted in your heart – then go out and do something about it.

And, one day, we will all know why we walk in all this majesty!

Just be,

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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