Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi


Many “toys and treats” do not serve us.

Yes, this is a wonderful season of giving and receiving. However, extra careful control of the child within protects us from stuff (you fill in the blank) that we neither need nor really want.

Imagine how much money you could save or efficiently redirect by pausing for one minute and considering whether making each purchase is the right next step.  There are many systems that encourage fiscal responsibility … or you can design your own.  One wealth principle we teach youth in financial literacy is that “it is better to tell your money where to go, than to ask it where it went!”

Remember this cute little sign — unattended children can find themselves in a whole heap of trouble!

You will thank ‘The Management’ for effectively looking after your welfare.

Think twice!

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

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