Picture of Mozella Ademiluyi

Mozella Ademiluyi

Walking Our Path

I sometimes wonder at my own internal questions… amazed that after all these years (!) I periodically ask fundamental questions about my direction… find myself needing to go back to the drawing board, my map.

Do we ever stop questioning the truth and ‘rightness’ of our paths? At what point do we say, okay, this is it…my path…I’m good right here!

How many of you out there, like me, still ponder? Well, next time you find yourself feeling existential, just sit with your questions for a minute…and, while you’re at it, throw in “who am I” and “what am I here for” for posterity.

One of many reasons I embrace the great outdoors is simply because it feels good: clears my head, opens my heart, and fills my body with energy and enthusiasm. I believe each season influences our lives in unique and very specific ways, and each season has lessons that serve to keep me walking with my truest self.

But still, your path is your path, indoors, outdoors, internally, externally…we certainly have many choices and, chances are, we will only know the value of our choices when we:

  1. make them, and
  2. ask ourselves what we can learn from them, after realizing the results.

Don’t be afraid of the road less travelled… And wherever your paths lead…do remember to take your questions with you.

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi
speaker writer poet

p.s. This is another blog in a summer series on introspection. After spring cleaning my home, summer is the time I like to shine a light into all the dark spaces in my heart, mind and soul. I unpack old habits and discard what no longer suits me. I invite you to do the same.

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