For professional women ready to have MORE of what your heart craves,
make a bigger difference and love the life you live...

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The Walk

Join us this October for a stunning, immersive adventure filled with self-discovery, personal growth and unlimited expansion in beautiful Portugal. The Walk invites you to step into and take ownership of an exciting, updated, and empowered version of YOU, test your limits, build your resilience, and create a deeper connection with who you TRULY are at your deepest level…

…and most importantly, who you’re intentionally choosing to BECOME as you move forward in your life.

Picture yourself waking up in a thrilling new world and throwing open the curtains to let in the gentle morning sunshine.

When you gaze out the window, you’re not just looking out on a beautiful vista, you’re looking out on another incredible day of possibility and self discovery…with no responsibilities, no shoulds, and no musts.

Just you, your dreams and goals, alongside a wildly supportive group of like-minded, like-hearted women professionals on a quest for their best selves on this amazing journey of life.

Welcome to the uplifting and inspiring experience of 

The Walk is a life and career rebalancing retreat packed with fun, adventures and inspiration (plus the whole-hearted support of an experienced mountain guide who’s got your back).

It’s your opportunity to reframe, reassess and reset.

It’s the MPS version of a next level graduate program – 8 days away from all that’s familiar, routine and “comfortably uncomfortable.”

The whole intention of this retreat is to take you away (and keep you away) from the everyday grind, your default reactions, and the external influences that are keeping you feeling stuck and under-served in your own life.

NO MORE operating on auto pilot.

It’s not about escaping—it’s about giving yourself the breathing room to gain mountain top perspective. Because, at the end of the day, you can’t get away from you.

On this trip you’ll finally get the space and time to achieve the deep clarity and transformation you’ve been longing for…

Imagine discovering yourself anew, having all the time you need to feel deeply into who you truly are at your essence, and reimagining what it’s like to have your life in front of you again…

…feeling clearer, more focused on what REALLY matters, and ready to scale your mountains with purpose and confidence.

All around the world, cultures have recognized the power of “the journey” as a tool of self-discovery and transformation.

This year “The Walk” will be happening in beautiful Portugal from October 1st – 8th.

From vast open natural spaces to ancient historic towns and remarkable cultural experiences, Portugal has it all…

Together we’ll explore its dramatic and captivating landscapes, reaffirming our connection with the natural world. We’ll immerse ourselves in its vibrant culture, experiencing how others live and see the world, how other times shaped the present, and how choices impact the world around us.

And throughout we’ll walk, talk, laugh, contemplate and revel in the marvelous adventure of life.

This intimate getaway adventure + small group mastermind and continuity coaching package was specifically designed for forward-thinking women leaders like you… women with ambitious goals, high expectations and determination.

Numbers for this hands-on, intimate retreat are strictly capped at 4 so that you’re guaranteed to get all the personal focus and attention you need. You’ll be in direct conversation and discussion with Mozella throughout, and create close-knit bonds with your fellow walkers that can last a lifetime.

It was custom designed to provide you with the perfect mix of location, lofty life-changing experiences and fun tourist stuff to uplift your mojo and breathe life into your purpose, vision and goals…

…8 spectacular days away from the grind to run free, run wild, eat, drink, WALK and be merry!

And throughout, you’ll be subtly adjusting and refining your plans for scaling your mountains, now and in the future.

But, it doesn’t end there.

Okay, so there’s a thing we don’t often talk about in the self development space…

…which is the number of offers that promise the earth but totally fail to follow through.

Which is EXACTLY why this retreat is part of an all-round support package designed to give you:

So… wrapped around this astonishing 8-day event, you’ll ALSO receive:

So as you can see, this is NOT a typical retreat… but actually the perfect balance of inner work + play to help you achieve better balance in your everyday life and career.

Here’s the thing…

For most of us modern life is SO fast paced and demanding that we rarely have time to catch our breath…

…let alone quiet the inner chatter for long enough to address life’s bigger questions, nurture our souls, and deeply consider how we truly want to navigate our future.

Taking time out to reconnect with your truest essence, rediscover your joyful inner voice, and gain perspective on day-to-day concerns and challenges is NOT an indulgence… to function at your best, it’s essential.

You absolutely deserve it.

And I’d love to help you do that.

That’s exactly why I created this glorious 8-day luxury mastermind adventure in beautiful Portugal.

What People Are Saying About Mozella...

Come walk, savor and explore magical Portugal with us this fall, while you take time to replenish your energy, treat yourself to some well deserved R&R, and fine tune your vision for the decisions that move you forward from where you are—to a place more aligned with where your heart is calling you to be.

The Walk was designed to expand your outlook, reveal exciting new perspectives, and radically recharge your batteries while celebrating life and adventures in this captivating crossroads of the old and new worlds.

You can expect to go home feeling more centered, more aligned with your purpose, and more in control of the way everyday life impacts your reactions and resilience.

And throughout you’ll be surrounded, supported and buoyed up by the most amazing group of women you could hope to meet.

Over the course of 8 amazing days (plus wrap-around continuity coaching sessions) you’ll *finally* have the quality time and space you need to breathe, reflect, and assess your life’s path forward.

Limited to just 4 participants to ensure the custom focus and attention you deserve, this event is designed to help you get 100% behind your intentions, showing up fully and courageously for your purpose, vision and goals.

You’ll leave Portugal:


Our fabulous homes-from-home during our stay are best described as “city hotel deliciousness” (and yes, you can quote me on that).

Downtown in both Porto and Lisbon (Portugal’s two major cities), we’ll truly have the best of both worlds at our fingertips… stunning city adventures on our doorstep, and the majestic Portuguese countryside and cultural destinations just a scenic coach ride away.

While in town, we’ll be soaking up the atmosphere at the vibrant epicenter of an iconic cultural scene boasting grand city experiences and taste tempting dining treats.

On our exciting excursions, we’ll be exploring, contemplating and conversing—while walking (of course)—and also laughing, enjoying and connecting.

It’s true to say that we’ll be taking full advantage of ALL the delights at our disposal.


Every day, another flavor-packed culinary adventure…

Portuguese cuisine is a tantalizing blend of Mediterranean, Atlantic, African, and Brazilian influences.

From one magnificently satisfying day to the next you may find yourself:

– Discovering Portugal’s traditional food and drink on a guided culinary tour of vibrant restaurants, led by a passionate foodie guide.

– Sampling regional specialties such as petiscos (Portugal’s answer to tapas) made with local pork or seafood, freshly baked tarts, and, of course, port wine—all while discovering the rich history of this amazing country.

– Indulging in tender, freshly grilled seafood accompanied by the most delectable bacalhau cakes you’ve ever tasted.

– Enjoying a cold glass of vinho verde on a sunny terrace as your server presents a platter of the most succulent frango piri-piri imaginable (seriously, it’s out of this world!)

– Savoring rich and authentic Portuguese flavors in a charming local tasca – reveling in the cozy atmosphere of a place that feels like a timeless treasure Plus, an abundance of culinary surprises and delights that will leave you utterly satisfied.

What to expect from

I’m so excited you’re thinking of coming with us to breathtaking Portugal!

Of course, we will be having a LOT of fun in this extraordinary bucket list destination…

…but also know that every single experience has been intentionally choreographed to equip you to return home ready to take on your chosen mountains with renewed drive, purpose and clarity.

Here’s a rough guide to how our days will unfold:

Depending on our mood, our energy, and what’s fascinated our attention throughout the day we may adjust our itinerary to suit…


DAY #1: Welcome To Portugal!

You’ll arrive Tuesday, October 1st into Porto airport (OPO). Our driver will be waiting for you in the arrival’s hall, ready to take you on a private transfer to our stylish hotel, located in the charming old town district of Portugal’s second biggest city.

After settling into your well appointed room, you can simply kick back and relax, or choose to take your first steps exploring the ancient streets all around… it’s impossible not to fall in love with Porto and its colorful facades.

We’ll meet for an early dinner and a schedule update about all our amazing adventures in the days ahead.

DAY #2: Discover the Delights of Porto!

Day 2 - Delights of Porto
After a relaxing start, we’ll set off mid-morning for an expert foodie tour of Porto…

One of the best ways to experience a culture is through its food. Come hungry, and visit everything from local hot spots to hidden gems for a look into the authentic side of Porto.

We’ll stop for tastings typical of the local cuisine, hand-picked by local guides passionate about food.

Our friendly guide (an award-winning food blogger, no less) will let us in on the secrets behind the treats we’ll be savoring throughout the tour. And along the way, they’ll share with us the heart of the city as they lead us through the backstreets, point out the main monuments, and share insights on the architecture, history, and day-to-day life in this historic city.

In the afternoon, we have a scenic climbing adventure in store…

Porto is known as “the city of six bridges.” Our destination this morning is the Arrábida Bridge, one of the largest concrete arches in the world, and the only one in Europe open to visitors. From the summit we’ll be gifted with stunning views over bustling Porto below (an experience now open to the public for the first time in over 50 years) and a uniquely peaceful vantage point to reflect on life’s challenges and opportunities.

Our action-packed day ends elegantly with a private visit and wine tasting at the magnificent Graham’s cellars…

Built in 1890 and containing a priceless collection of Graham’s Port aging serenely in seasoned oak casks and bottles, our visit includes a guided tour from one of their port wine experts and a selection of delicious tastings and food pairings – a truly unforgettable experience.

DAY #3: The Enchanted Valley!

Today we’ll set off early for a full-day private tour of the magical Douro Valley, where the river flows into the sea—and where the famous Douro wines (table wines and Port wine) are produced on its picturesque hillsides.

What better way to get acquainted with the stunning landscape of this world renowned wine region (a World Heritage Site) than to explore it on foot?

On this guided hiking tour, you’ll have spectacular views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Then, settle yourselves amid the grape vines for a delicious picnic lunch prepared using fresh, local produce and accompanied by fine Douro wines, naturally.

We’ll arrive back to our hotel in the late afternoon. On our return, feel free to continue to explore the city if you wish, or simply relax and soak up the energy of this fabulous day.

DAY #4: A Magical Landscape!

Setting off early for another full-day adventure, today we’ll be immersing ourselves in an imposing landscape of wild and stunning nature. Once again, we leave the busy streets of Porto behind us for the tranquility of the countryside. We’ll hike beautiful landscapes, tread magical paths, explore ancient villages, discover hidden gems, dine on local delicacies, take in incredible viewpoints, soak up all the impressive beauty this magnificent land has to offer… and much, much more.

Bring your hiking boots, your camera, and get ready for only-in-Portugal adventure.

DAY #5: Aveiro And Nazaré!

This morning, we say farewell to Porto and travel south to Lisbon, stopping along the way in wonderful Aveiro and Nazaré…

Aveiro, known as the “Portuguese Venice”, is dominated by the Ria de Aveiro, described by Saramago, the esteemed Portuguese writer, as “a living body that connects the land to the sea like a huge heart.”

Upon arrival in this delightfully small city, we’ll meet up with a local guide, who’ll take us on a walking tour, followed by a “Moliceiro” ride (Aviero’s typical colorful and traditional boats, used to transport salt in bygone days).

Further down the coast, we’ll visit the town of Nazaré, known for its lively fishing traditions and the brightly-colored awnings that decorate its long, sandy half-moon shaped beach.

Facing the sea on the right, you will see an impressive headland. This is Sítio, one of the most famous views of the Portuguese coast. It is a 318 meter rock face with a sheer drop to the sea, reachable on foot by the very bravest, or by going up the funicular for the rest of us!

We’ll reach our gorgeous downtown Lisbon hotel in the early evening, in plenty of time to settle in and sample some of the delicious local cuisine.

DAY #6: Discover Lisbon!

Today kicks off with a fun and fascinating morning walking tour of Lisbon, Portugal’s largest and most historic city.

We’ll wander the winding streets, marvel at the rattling trams, stop for coffee and the best custard tarts you ever had in your life (I’m not kidding), and take in the magnificent views from St. George’s Castle while listening to the resident peacocks’ piercing cries (you’ll see them strutting the paths and roosting in the trees all around the castle grounds)! It was here that Lisbon started, spreading down the hill and towards the river during Roman times.

After lunch, your afternoon is free to explore further, visit the bustling shopping district or simply chill, as the mood takes you.
In the evening, we have a very special treat lined up… Fado and a mouthwatering dinner of typical “petiscos” ( Portuguese tapas).

Fado (meaning literally: “fate” or “destiny”) is a traditional musical artform characterized by soulful songs of love, loss, life’s ups and downs, and the whims of fate. In 2011, Fado, an identity symbol of the capital and the country, was classified by UNESCO as World Heritage.

Fado has been called “the soul of Portugal” and is most often performed by just one singer, accompanied by a Portuguese 12-string guitar. A truly special and authentic experience!

DAY #7: The Magic of Sintra!

Today we’ll discover the fairytale town of Sintra, another extraordinary World Heritage Site, located only around a half-hour journey from Lisbon, and considered one of the most romantic and mysterious places in all of Portugal!

After enjoying lunch in one of the many restaurants available in town, it will be time to head to Cascais…

Once a small fishing village only, the town of Cascais managed to maintain its seafaring traditions combined with the aristocratic and royal presences of the late 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Walking by its animated town center you’ll find the cosmopolitan life side by side with the Atlantic.

DAY #8: Take Off!

Our final morning together will be a time of joyful reflection, celebration and eager anticipation of things to come.

Over a delicious brunch, we’ll look proudly back on the leaps and achievements of the past week, say our goodbyes, and prepare for the exciting new adventures that await us back home. If you can, book a late afternoon or evening flight to make the most of your last day in this extraordinary city.

The Walk officially ends at 1pm but if you have more time, you could indulge in a leisurely afternoon of further retail therapy at the city’s boutique shops, embark on a sightseeing adventure to iconic landmarks you haven’t yet explored, or simply wander the charming streets to stumble upon hidden gems and unexpected delights.

According to your departure time, your pre-booked taxi will take you to the airport in plenty of time for your flight home.










Mozella is an international speaker, author, poet, attorney, transformational coach and adventurer.

For almost five decades, she has studied and practiced the time-honored wisdom of human development and transformation.

Summiting Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet, after her second attempt, gave her an extreme real-world experience of ‘failure and success’ and taught her how to help her clients step up to empowered action, overcome the obstacles before them, and reach their desired opportunities. 

Mozella earned her undergraduate and law degrees from Howard University. She is a member of the Bars of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and is admitted to practice before the United States Court of International Trade.


Where do I fly into + how will I get to the hotel?

Fly into Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport (OPO), gateway to the enchanting city of Porto which about a half-hour-ish ride from our gorgeous hotel. Your transport will be pre-booked and your driver will meet you at the airport. Once you’ve collected your luggage from baggage claim, simply let me know by Whatsapp and I’ll take care of the rest.

Remember, later in the week we’ll be traveling from Porto in the north, to Lisbon in the south… so it’s essential to book your return flight home from Lisbon’s Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS)

What will the weather be like?
In early October, we can expect daytime temperatures to hover around a comfortable 73-75 °F | 23-24 °C. Evenings can be cool, dipping to around 61 °F | 16 °C.
What should I pack?

As a general rule, dressing in layers is ideal for this time of year. Bring a scarf or light jacket for cooler evenings. And personally, I prefer to cover up rather than have to constantly reapply sunscreen – if that’s you too, then a hat is a must.

Obviously, we’ll be doing a LOT of walking so be sure to bring a pair of comfortable walking shoes with good traction – great for cobbled city streets and countryside trails alike.

Do I need travel insurance?
Absolutely YES. We always recommend travel insurance that includes trip cancellation and medical coverage. Be sure to read the fine print, as policies can differ greatly.
Money and currency exchange

n Portugal, they use the Euro, and you’ll find that most places take cards, so you don’t need to carry much cash.

When you’re traveling abroad, it’s almost always best to pay in the local currency to avoid any extra charges or inflated exchange rates.

Avoid currency exchange booths at airports and train stations—they often have poor rates and high fees. Instead, consider using your ATM card while you’re in Spain for better deals.
For savvy travelers, borderless banks can be a real lifesaver. Take Wise, for example—they offer competitive rates, low transfer fees, and a handy debit card that works seamlessly around the world.

Gift yourself with this precious time away to reboot your mojo

Gift yourself with eight magical days far away from the “shoulds, musts and pressures” of everyday life. Together we’ll walk, talk, laugh, contemplate and delight in this marvelous adventure of life. You deserve it.

This adventure was designed to uplift your mojo, give you mountain top perspective, and reconnect you with who you TRULY are at your deepest level.

You won’t return home the same woman who left.

If the thought of this week of joyful exploration in Portugal, in the company of a hand-picked group of amazing women like you, sets your heart racing…

…then secure your spot now. You know I’m only taking 4 participants, so if you feel that one of those spots has your name on it, I advise you to move quickly.

I can’t wait to share this exciting adventure with you!

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